The school board has a dual role: To represent the concerns of the citizens, taxpayers and parents to the school administrators, and to represent the needs of the students and school district to the citizens, taxpayers and parents of the community. The school board does not operate the district on a day-to-day basis; that is the job of the superintendent, who is the district's chief executive. Rather, the school board sets the policies, goals and objectives for the district – and it holds the superintendent responsible for implementing the policies and achieving the goals.
It is our job as concerned citizens, taxpayers and parents to speak UP and OUT with issues and concerns regarding the policies and procedures as well as the overall well-being of our children in school. Unfortunately, Worcester County Board of Education has made it extremely difficult for parents to speak at board meetings due to their daytime meetings. I understand the challenges most parents are facing about taking time off of work to speak on behalf of their children.
When I become the District 6 Board of Education member, I promise to work on changing board meeting times to the evening to create better transparency amongst the Board and the people they serve. I value input from the community, and I view the school board role as an opportunity to bring everyone’s voice to the table. Parents both need to and should be involved in their children's education.